Science & Technology Research

• I write, edit and manage science and technology research initiatives, especially related to public policy. Clients include The Economist Intelligence and MIT Technology Review.


• Projects include trend analysis, scenarios and forecasts, literature reviews and policy analysis on topics including artificial intelligence and automation, digital learning and education, and the environment.

The Digital Cities Index 2022

The Digital Cities Index (DCI) 2022, developed by Economist Impact and supported by NEC, considers four key pillars of digital connectivity, services, culture and sustainability.


Exploring the seismic shift in the way young people are managing their money, and what they invest in.

Mental health at work: From promise to practice

Before the pandemic, mental health was often treated as an afterthought to physical health in the support offered by employers. A steady rise in ‘workforce wellness’ programs has clearly been underway in the US.

The Blue Peace Index

An assessment of water cooperation policies and practices in six major river basins: the Amazon, Mekong, Sava, Senegal, and Tigris-Euphrates. Produced in partnership with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

Disaster readiness in ASEAN cities

Analysis of disaster risk reduction and mitigation policy trends in Bangkok, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore.